아카데믹 라이팅 - 혼자 공부하기 Academic Writing (자가학습 링크)
독일어 논문 글쓰기(wissenschaftlchiches Schreiben)는 수업을 들으면서 배웠다. 하지만 영어는 당장 써야 하는 페이퍼가 있어서 수업을 듣기엔 이미 늦어버렸다. 학교 사이트에 자가학습 링크가 나와있어서 블로그에도 올려본다.
Quelle: www.sprachenzentrum.fu-berlin.de
Write & Improve (A1-C1)
A free service where you can submit your written work and receive feedback on spelling, vocabulary, grammar and general style. With practice tasks for beginners, intermediate and advanced.
The OWL at Purdue University (from B2)
The instructional materials collected at this Online Writing Lab (OWL) will help you with all kinds of writing tasks - from academic writing to business writing. They also have numerous writing exercises.
The Writer’s Handbook (from B2)
This site leads you through the whole process of writing different academic assignments. It offers an overview of adequate grammar and punctuation use as well as different citation styles.
Academic Writing Made Easy (B2-C1)
This MOOC takes you through the basics of academic writing step by step - from structuring and organizing an academic text to paraphrasing and punctuation. With practical examples and exercises.
Manchester Academic Phrasebank (from B2)
This academic phrasebank is a collection of academic methods, supported with numerous examples, which will help get you started on your writing project. You can use this website as an introduction to academic writing, as it covers everything you need to know - from choosing a topic, to writing conclusions and referring to sources.
오!!! 내가 원했던 사이트가 이런 거였다. 아카데믹 라이팅에서 쓰는 표현들을 모아놓은 곳! Phrasebank, Formulierungshilfe!
독일어로도 이런 모음집이 있었는데 아주아주 큰 도움을 받았다. 뭐 아카데믹 라이팅이라고 별거 있나(별 거 있음. 그래서 이렇게 고생을 하는 중...)! 자주 사용하는 용어들을 모아 두고 빈칸에 내가 쓰고 싶은 말을 넣으면 되지.
How to Write an Essay (from B2)
An introduction to academic writing for English Language Learners, focusing on essay development, grammatical correctness, and self-editing.
이렇게 훌륭한 정보는 알려준 출처를 다시 한번 적는다: www.sprachenzentrum.fu-berlin.de